Do you ever have those days (or weeks or months) where you just feel jumbled? There are so many things on the brain, and no real way to organize them within your own mind. You feel scattered, frustrated maybe, just plain confuzzled? Yeah, hello, that is me.
I have been working on a few projects. Maybe that is my problem. Maybe I need to focus on just one thing for a while. I really should post a list of all existing projects (or not, I am really afraid to go there), to keep myself in check. Good idea? No? What works for all of you to keep yourself focused and motivated? Ok, so maybe I have convinced myself to make that list of my
active projects. Notice I said
active. I really would not feel comfortable divulging the true state of my, shall we say, problem?
Here we go:
1. Monkey socks for mom's birthday (August).

I'm doing okay on these. I had hoped to get them finished on the trip, but that didn't work out so well for me. Let's just say Thurs was not such a good day for us lol. I woke up with a splitting headache, some clueless person left a GIANT door ding including paint scrapes in the side of our car, a big storm was coming, so we decided to come home early. We had fun anyway, I just didn't get to do as much shopping, knitting and wine tasting as I wanted. Oh well. There will be other trips.
2. Mystery Lace Project #1
Sneak peek

I actually love knitting lace and I am slowly getting used to laceweight yarn. I love the feel of the fabric, it's so light and airy. I now understand the lure of lace and it's inevitable addiction factor.
3. Mystery Lace Project #2 - no pic - it's progress is minimal.
4. Cotton sweater from Knitting Pure and Simple - I have no idea why I haven't finished this. I have less than a sleeve to go and just the edging around the neck. Now that I have reminded all of you and myself about it, I guess I will have to buckle down and get it done.
5. The ripple. I don't feel bad about this one at all. I wanted this to be a project for the winter, so I may not touch it much this summer.
6. Lopi sweater - also for winter. Presently being ignored.
7. Swallowtail shawl - Also being ignored, but it is whispering my name. After all, it is lace! I may go visit it again soon.
*Oh lace side note. The Mystery Stole 3 is starting. If you're interested, go here.8. I am too humiliated and lazy to go further. I know there are a couple more, but I don't feel like finding them and I am already embarassed that I could come up with 7 so quickly. Someone write in and make me feel better. Tell me you have like 25 projects. Or 100. Yeah, now that would make me feel really good. If you are a one-project person, or you crank out a finished knit like every week, just
be quiet and leave me alone in my little corner of denial here. Thanks.