I have a sad little story for you. (but it does have a happy ending if you're patient)
I don't remember if I mentioned this on the blog before, and I am too lazy to go back and check, so bear with me if you have already heard it. Last year on New Year's Day I woke up to a horrible discovery. The diamond in my wedding ring was GONE! Yes GONE! I was crying my eyes out. I even vacuumed the entire house so the darling hubby could go through the vac system and filter all the contents through a screen. No luck! It was not to be found. I was devastated. My diamond was gone forever! To top it off, we didn't have it insured, unless it had been lost in a fire or stolen. So for over a year, I was without a wedding ring. That was a very odd feeling for me. I didn't like it much. My hubby HATES buying jewelry, not to mention the fact that diamonds are EXPENSIVE, so we put off buying a new one.
Well.....finally he let me get a new one. While I was on my cruise, I visited a jeweler in St. Maarten that was highly recommended by a friend. She has purchased quite a few pieces from him in the past, and every time her jewelry appraised at FAR more than she paid for it. I was so excited to see his stuff, and he had exactly what I wanted. So I brought home this:

Excuse the disgusting looking old lady hands in the picture. Hehe, apparently I have not used any hand lotion for about 2 years. But anyway, I love the ring and I am so happy to be wearing a wedding ring again.
In other news: I actually picked up my knitting today. (Don't laugh! Yes I still knit.) The neverending pink Trekking socks will be finished tonight (I hope). About time huh? Gosh I have never had a pair of socks on the needles for this long. I cannot wait to be done with them. I love that yarn, but I am so sick of seeing it. I think I will definitely give these to the Sporty One. She loves them and I think they will just remind me of the horrible knitting rut I have been in lately. I can't wait to move on to other UFOs or a new project!!!!
Also, I promise I will show ya some cruise pictures, as soon as I get them. I didn't take my own camera along on the trip, because my girls wanted a camera at home. They had their winter dance at school, and wanted pics of everyone dressed up. I can't blame them. So, my sis and my friend both took their cameras. Now I just have to wait for them to make me a cd.
P.S. - Thanks so much for all the comments, even when I have been the worst blogger EVER! I just love hearing from all of you, and I really appreciate you not giving up on me. You really helped pull me out of this funk I have been in. Now I am actually excited about knitting again. Yay! Bring it on!