Isn't it pretty? But now my other foot is really jealous. I will fix that this weekend!
This pic reminds me that summer is over. I am ready to put the toe ring in the jewelry box (they can be uncomfortable in some shoes), and get out my wool socks. The switch from sandals and summer shoes to fall and winter shoes is near. How sad. I love summer. My only consolation is that I get to wear all my beautiful socks! Hehe, I just wish I didn't get to wear them quite so long. Michigan winters seem to last forevah!
Speaking of the seasons changing, Steve and I are leaving in the morning for a mini getaway. We will only be gone for 2 days, but we always have fun on our little jaunts. I am hoping to see a little color (although this won't happen if we head south), go wine tasting (Michigan has some awesome wines, the Rieslings are my fav!), shopping, and do some yarn shop visiting. Giggle, we are so boring, we always do the same thing. But it makes us both happy so.........off we go. I will be on the lookout for some other Noro colors while I'm gone, (yes for Lizard Ridge), and I always look at sock yarn! Should be fun!
I'll be back in a few days, hopefully sporting a new pair of socks!