I have been making good progress on the prayer shawl.

I have about 10 inches to go, which shouldn't take too long if I get any decent knitting time. A friend of mine finishes all her prayer shawls with an i-cord edging, and I think I may try it for this one. A nice finished edge would be a nice change from fringe, especially with Homespun yarn. This yarn frays very quickly, and I want this shawl to stay looking nice for a while for my friend. I would feel terrible if it started looking yucky right away. Let's just hope I don't hate knitting i-cord edging as much as I hate making i-cord hehe.
I also made some progress on my Swallowtail shawl. (yeah, I know, we haven't heard about this shawl for ages)

I pinned it out a little, but I think it will look much better when pinned out properly for blocking. I hope to get through this main part of the body soon, so I can move on to the next lace pattern. I wish working with laceweight yarn went faster for me. At least I am smart enough to use lifelines. If I hadn't, this would be a giant pile of frogged yarn. A couple of times I needed to rip out about 4-5 rows because I dropped a stitch and couldn't get it picked back up right. Whew, so thankful I didn't have to start over completely!!!!!!
I picked up this fun little surprise at the grocery store the other day.

No, I didn't need it, but I am a sucker for these shiny little booklets. Plus, who could resist those little booties? Awww....
Well wish me luck. I have a lot of costume stuff to do this week for the musical. Performances are next week, so right now we are putting the final finishing touches on all the costumes, making sure everything looks good together, and doing last minute repairs, changes, fittings, etc. Let's just hope nobody rips a sleeve off or something. I have to be at a few rehearsals too, so this week will be very busy! I may have to cast on a sock (cuff down maybe? snort). That way I will have a portable little project to carry along, just in case I can sneak in a few rows here and there. I will try to get some pictures too!
P.S. Thank you blogger for being so fast today, however, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't eat my first draft ever again.
I'm a cuff down girl too. There are some beautiful patterns out there for toe up, but I am just a sucker for the heel flaps of cuff down, sigh!
Sounds like you have a lot to do with the costumes and rehearsals, a pair of socks to work on sounds like the perfect project!
The shawls are looking great!
Your shawls are looking so lovely! I love the LB Homespun colourway you're using.
I got that little booklet recently too (it was the booties that did it for me too)!
Love the prayer shawl colours - so pretty! I've made a couple of prayer shawls with the same type of yarn, and did fringe for them. Since it frayed, I tied little knots in the ends of the fringe to prevent that (hopefully). It took a little time, but I figured it would be worth is so that the fringe wouldn't fray. The other shawl is very lovely as well.
I fell for that booklet too. The hats are what sucked me in with their evil cuteness. =)
I haven't knit socks in awhile, but when I do it's cuff-down only. If I were going to do much of the fiddly almost-as-many-needles-as-stitches thing to start off a project, it would be to make Kim Salazar's Mountain Laurel Counterpane. Someday...
Meantime, your Swallowtail shawl is gorgeous. I wish you could have heard me gasping "Ooh!" as that picture opened up!
lovin' the swallow tail! glad you picked it up again ;)
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