Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I thought I would answer a couple of questions today. Some of you have left comments or emailed me with these:

I see you use circs. Have you tried dpns and just prefer circs?

I have used both. I used to be a dpn girl all the way. Then I met the Magic Loop and it was all over for me and the dpns. I am much faster with the circular and it is just easier to manage for me.

When will you have the pattern for the short row heel?

I wish I could tell ya. Hopefully soon. I will tell you that it is a double wrap short row heel and Ann says that it is quite common. So if you just can't wait, I suppose you could look for it somewhere else, but I'm not sure where. (Sorry)

Is the Saratoga STR still available?

According to Toni at The Fold it is available through Blue Moon. You just have to ask for it.

Is the pattern available for Sally's Bed Socks?

Not really, I just winged them. Maybe someday I will write it all down though. Maybe.

Any more questions?

Sorry for the quickie post. I am headed to see the Phantom of the Opera tonight with my daughter Lauren, my friend Sally and her daughter. Woo hoo! I can't wait!

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