Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Due to unfortunate circumstances....

I got NOTHIN' for ya people. No knittin', not one exciting picture, just plain nothin'! I was having a lot of hand pain late last week so I took a little knitting break. Then when I was finally feeling better, along came the unfortunate circumstances (and we're not talking regular busy holiday weekend stuff!). Yeah, last night I thought I would finally be able to knit. Then.....(insert scary music here).....

We went to my sister's for dinner. Not exactly sure what caused it, but I had an allergic reaction to something. A bad one. My throat started closing up and I was quite uncomfortable. Now that is scary people! Really, really scary! Hubby drove me to the ER, and no, there was not one doctor that even came close to being as cute as Drs. Carter, Kovac, or Barnett. Barnett (go look, he is too cute) is the hottest by the way. Oh yeah! They gave me an IV with some power Benedryl, some steroids and a flush, watched me for a bit. Then they sent me home with strict instructions that if I started feeling any worse, to come right back! Well thankfully it didn't get any worse. The Bendryl kicked in and about knocked me out. Went to bed and woke up feeling much better. I have to continue with the Benedryl and steroids for a few days and take ibuprophen for the awful sore throat and I should be good to go. Good to go knitting that is. Gosh, I am having withdrawals like crazy. Life is just not as fun without knitting.

I did get my stash reorganized though....at least that's somethin'.


sheep#100 said...

Yuck - anaphylaxis sucks dirt - glad you are feeling better.

Jenny Raye said...

Holey Moley! You must track down the culprit....and get an epipen....today!

Catherine Kerth said...

oh my goodness! glad you are on the mend! i think if er's across the US had doc's like benett and the rest...we'd all be in there ;)

jen said...

Oh, Lisa, I hope you feel better!! We used to carry around an epipen for my daughter who was allergic to milk ... luckily she outgrew that. Hope you get to feeling better! And fyi on the Elspeth: I do love it, but the fit is a little odd ... it sort of falls back off my shoulders a lot, so I'm always pulling it forward. Just so that if you never make it, you'll be okay with it. :)