Monday, May 08, 2006

The egg survived!

(I will apologize right now....I forgot to take the picture that goes with this post. That is just a dummy egg over there.) But anyway, yarn rocks! Yeah, we knew that already right? But.......get this, it has just earned itself a much higher level of appreciation with my family today. Yes they already knew how wonderful yarn can be. They like the socks. They like the slippers. They are impressed with felting. Blah blah blah. On to the egg.....

My DD Alex had a science project due today. The one where you try to protect an egg from breaking because it will be dropped off the roof of the school. Yeah, no kidding. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the kids have to find a way to have an egg survive being dropped off the school roof. They have to somehow package it safely (in a container with X amount of volume) so that it doesn't break. These kids try everything. Encasing the egg in Jello, packing peanuts, cotton balls, you name it, they try it. Only about 25% of the eggs survive. Enough about that, on to the yarn......

Yarn obsessed mother that I am, I suggested carefully tucking our egg in the box with yarn. So I took my handy-dandy little ball winder and made a very loose ball with it. (I used some of that ugly acryl-ick that has been very near to the trash several times and somehow managed to survive. And no, I am not a yarn snob, acrylic yarn has it's place. I have "good" acrylic too, but this was some really nasty stuff! Sorry, sidetracked again...) I placed the egg on the top of the ball winder and carefully slid the yarn off and onto the egg. Then I pulled the edges of the ball up and around the top and bottom of the egg. It made such a nice little yarny nest for the egg. At this point I think the egg was happy. It didn't know it would later be mercilessly hurled from the roof and need to survive. Then we put it in the box and carfully tucked some even uglier yarn around the yarn ball. Closed it. Taped it up. Hoped it would survive. She wanted an "A". If the egg survives, you get an "A".

Well, I said, "yarn rocks!!", "knitters rule!!!", and many more (embarassing to my daughter) yarny comments (accompanied by even more embarassing arm movements). I knew it would work. It had to. The yarn wouldn't let me down right? Right. She got an "A". It was perfect.........


Anonymous said...

Terrific! Smart mother and daughter :-)

Catherine Kerth said...

ha! why didn't i think of that in highschool! perfect! see acrylic has it's place i guess :)

sheep#100 said...

Awesome! That is too cool.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's really perfect - and what a fantastic, clever idea you had! So that's proof enough that acrylic sure has its place in the yarn-world - or should I say the egg-world?

Dympna said...

I will have to tell my kids this. You do not want to know how many times I've had to help come up with the perfect egg survivor. I've seen so many eggs thrown off of roofs.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing and awesome and, wow - how clever of you to use the ball winder and all! Great job.