Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Um, that is my credit card you hearing screaming in pain. It was apparently overused at IKEA yesterday. Wow did I have fun though! Now the poor hubby has some MAJOR assembling to do. Poor guy. I am staying VERY far away. (We don't assemble well together at all!)

I have boxes stashed all over the house. The carpet is being cleaned in couple of weeks and then we can put the furniture in here. It will probably take him that long to do the assembly anyway. Wow, we are talking a lot of boxes!

No knitting progress. Didn't knit at all yesterday. (Unless you count the 3 rows I did while stuck in an hour-long traffic jam on the way home last night.) I was not a happy camper! Way too stressful. I don't know how you big city dwellers do it. That traffic drives me batty! But at least I have lots of new storage for my stash. Yeehah!

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